Breast Augmentation Manhattan
Patients come for breast augmentation for a number of reasons. People who always felt that their breasts were too small, other people who, following pregnancy, had lost some volume, people who have asymmetric breasts and wish one to better match the other.
The procedure involves a great deal of information that needs to be presented to the patient. In the consultation, the patient’s breasts are examined, their goals are discussed in terms of volume or cup size that they might be interested in, they have an opportunity to try on sizers that mimic the volume that they might be seeking, and an opportunity to view pre- and post-operative pictures of patients that are similar in stature to them, which also aids their decision making process.
While the patient often considers the size to be the most important issue, it’s important that the size of the implant appropriately fit the size of the patient’s frame and existing breast. Three important decisions that the patient needs to make following the consultation are; one, what access incision will be use: the crease, the edge of the areola, or the armpit; what type of implant will be used; and whether the implant will be placed above or below the muscle.
In addition to these decisions, the size of the implant, ideally, would have a relationship to the width of the patient’s breast prior to surgery. Breast augmentation is performed in our accredited in-office surgical facility on an ambulatory basis. The patient’s total time in the operating room should be less than 2 hours.
While some patients are back to work 2 days after surgery, a more typical period to return to work for most patients is probably 5 to 7 days.
Patients, both those who started out with small breasts and those who lost volume following pregnancy, have been thrilled with the changes that they have seen following this procedure.