Category Archives: Liposuction

SmartLipo Treats Love Handles—And Everything Else, Too!

May 29, 2014

Are you tired of looking at love handles in the mirror? Hate your muffin top or your double chin? Let us tell you about SmartLipo—it’s a versatile laser-assisted body sculpting technique that can transform just about any part of your body.

Like traditional liposuction, SmartLipo targets those areas of pesky fat in the body that just won’t go away, no … click to read more


Which Type of Liposuction is Right for Me?

October 23, 2012

Diet and exercise are great first steps toward getting rid of unwanted fat, but sometimes they’re just not enough. You’ve logged thousands of miles on the treadmill, followed a healthy diet faithfully, everyone at the gym knows you by name, and you still can’t lose those last stubborn pockets of fat. So what’s the next step?

For many people in … click to read more


New York Liposuction: Why It’s So Popular

December 8, 2011

Liposuction is one of the top three plastic surgery procedures in the United States, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. It owes its popularity to the fact that people can change their shape with the procedure—removing any lumps that might trouble them. New York liposuction can remove fat from targeted parts of the body—from the ankles, calves, and … click to read more